Bigger and better is how Mayowa Quadri would describe the second year of the Blue Creator Fund. We spoke to the creative mentor ahead of tonight’s application deadline…

Being creative is not a level playing field. In London, the odds of working in the creative industry are halved for those from minority backgrounds. To disrupt that, the Blue Creator Fund was born, in collaboration with Chelsea and VERSUS, as we aim to diversify football off the pitch.

Now in its second year, the fund has grown from awarding two aspiring creatives £20,000 – upped from £15,000 - to five winners, who will produce a piece of work about Chelsea and our community. The winners will also get the unique opportunity to showcase their creation at the iconic Saatchi Gallery.

As head of brand at VERSUS, Quadri has played an important part in the fund since it’s conception. Last year, he was an ambassador and this year he is one of 15 London-based creative mentors, who will lend their expertise to the winners through workshops, networking opportunities and regular support.

To be involved for the second year means a lot to Quadri. And it means even more now the fund has expanded to include more creatives and more opportunities.

‘It is super important to go bigger and better this year because last year not only did we have two winners whose projects thrived,’ began Quadri. ‘We had two people who were able to uplift the creatives around them by getting them involved.

‘The whole point of this exercise is to get the industry more diverse and to give more people the opportunity to participate within the creative industry.

‘If you can help five people, then you are aiding more people to have access – not only to working in the industry but working with a club like Chelsea and a brand like Versus – and making them feel really part of something.

‘Extra funds are a massive incentive to be able to do more. Often, creatives have great ideas but don’t have any access to funds. Being able to grant that just takes off the massive pressure that does exist.

‘Last year, we had five mentors and we have broadened that out this year to give a wider breadth of understanding and of different viewpoints within the industry. It means there are more people, more communities and more expertise to tap into.’

Being involved, for Quadri, is personal. He knows he wouldn’t have been where he is now if it was not for the lessons learned and experiences gained from those around him. It is time to give back, he says.

Quadri said: ‘Being part of this programme between Chelsea and Versus is super important to me because I’m very lucky to work in this creative space, but had I not known it was a space for me, I would never have envisaged that I would work in this space.

‘I have benefited from having people that gave me knowledge and that gave me opportunities. Being able to give that back and give my time back with this programme is super important.

‘I know there are so many other people who want to work in this space, but don’t know how to get through, or they have the ability to work in this space but feel like they can’t. They have dreams that are never accomplished.’

Last year’s winners, filmmaker Xaymaca Awoyungbo and jewellery maker Becky Gordon, are included in the mentor cohort for this programme and Quadri believes it reflects the journey which can await potential applicants.

‘Xaymaca’s film is going to stand the test of time and he’s involved as a mentor this year,’ explained Quadri. ‘Becky made the rings and has gone on to make the rings for the women’s team with Emma Hayes and has continued to be involved with the club.

‘It’s not just a one and done thing. There’s a whole thing built with a purpose of once you have created something then it is a real journey. You have proof that not only can you work in this space, but you have connections with the club and with others to really go and spread your wings.

‘The hopes are that anyone who wins the Blue Creator Fund and creates something would go on to flourish in this space.'

This year will also see Nicholas Daley take on the role of creative director. His addition, Quadri says, further reflects the fund’s commitment to grow with the help of powerful voices.

‘Having someone like Nicholas Daley involved means people have access to one of the brightest minds within the industry,’ added Quadri. ‘He is a real giver of his talent and his resource. He is renowned for being a leader, a pioneer within his space and being able to leverage his resource is a real key component to have.

‘The reason for going bigger and better, getting more people involved, is because we want to impact more change. We understand you can’t change everything over night, but by empowering people to feel they can participate then they can empower others.’

With applications set to close tonight (Wednesday), Quadri has urged those who may be considering the programme to go for it. The application process, he says, will mark only the beginning of what will be a fruitful journey.

‘People should definitely apply for the Blue Creator Fund,’ said Quadri. ‘It is one of those things where the application is deliberately accessible for everyone. It is not a massive time constraint – it is about showcasing what you want to do in the best way you know how.

‘That is purely down to because sometimes creatively you have ideas in your head, but it can be very hard to express that. Not everyone is going to be able to fill out a massive questionnaire, not everyone is going to be able to refer to a load of work they have done before but is there a way that you can showcase what you want to do and why it is impact on others.’