As Millie Bright comes close to her return from the injury that has kept her out since November, Emma Hayes has issued the latest on her captain's fitness.

The Blues defender and longest-serving player missed the winter months with a knee problem. During the long wait to be back, her colleagues kept the team going well in all four competitions in her absence but now she is set to resume action during the season’s big climax.

‘Millie is returning after the same sort of injury she had last year and on Wednesday in training, she played 11 v 11 with the group for the first time, but she's definitely not there to come on from the bench just yet,’ revealed Hayes.

‘But she's not far away,’ the manager quickly added. ‘She just needs a little bit more. Whether that's a few sessions or more I'm not entirely sure. On Wednesday I thought she made some great progress.

‘It was part of a session she really needed some exposure to as she's been out for a long period of time. Unfortunately, it's going to take maybe 12 team sessions, so maybe a little while longer yet [before she is back].’

One player who has been in the squad after a short period of absence is Ann-Katrin Berger. She was on the bench on Sunday at Leicester, as was Zecira Musovic, while Hannah Hampton started between the posts.

‘Prior to the international break Ann was injured,’ said Hayes. ‘Hannah has come into the team and has been tremendous. We have tremendous goalkeepers. I have a tough decision every week. We have the option to pick any one of them at any time.

‘Hannah had the shirt at the weekend. Ann is fit now and back with the team. She got fit just in time for the international camp so she had that period away. So we have great competition [for the goalkeeper position].’