A philosophy has been ingrained in Aggie Beever-Jones since she was a youngster. The Chelsea way, the striker says, has helped her flourish at the club she considers to be home.

Beever-Jones has been a Blue for half of her life. It all started in a local park where she kicked a ball around with her family before she trialed for Chelsea. She has been with us ever since.

Our Academy graduate signed her first professional contract on the day of her 18th birthday in July 2021, having made her debut for the senior team in January of the same year.

Now 20 years old, the striker has enjoyed a breakthrough season at Chelsea. Thirteen goals, a first Women’s Super League winner's medal, and many other memorable moments later are not a bad way to announce yourself as a key player in the squad.

But what does the philosophy that has been the thread throughout Beever-Jones’ journey with the Blues mean to the striker?

‘To me, in just one word, it means winning,’ said Beever-Jones in an exclusive sit-down interview at Cobham. 'I came through the academy system and I don’t take that for granted. I’ve been lucky enough to be in this environment and to learn the Chelsea way.

‘It means winning and having that winning mentality to never give up. I’ve always believed in that anyway. I don’t go down easy and I always want to keep pushing until the end.

‘We have each other’s backs and we’ve created that here at Chelsea. You can see how tightknit a family we are. We want the best for each other. That is the Chelsea way for us.’

Dealing with pressure

And never give up did Chelsea do as we battled to the final day to win a fifth consecutive WSL title, our seventh in total and a first taste of league silverware for the young Beever-Jones.

Eleven of the striker’s goals came in our title-winning campaign. To contribute like she did is all she ever wanted. But, she admits, to have been on the periphery to now being a pivotal player had it’s challenges. The philosophy she thought she knew so well now carried even greater meaning.

‘There have been two things, really,’ answered Beever-Jones when asked the new kind of challenges she was presented with over the course of the season.

‘The first one is obviously the pressure. Me and Emma [Hayes] had a chat actually about the weight of the badge. For me, having come through the Chelsea way, I know that we’ve always wanted to win and I’ve always had that engrained in me.

‘It is a club that loves to win and that obviously suits my goals, too. Dealing with that pressure at the start was a lot harder, but as I am progressing and developing it gets easier to deal with.

‘The other thing was the timetable. At certain points in the season with the timetable, we had games every three days. It was one day prep at times. It is complete credit to the staff and the players.

‘I remember prepping for Barcelona away and we had one day prep – the girls go there and we got the win.

‘The schedule has been a hard thing to deal with and being in the competitions, but that is where we want to be. We want to be in all the competitions, so that is a good feeling.’

Loans spells crucial

Beever-Jones embraced everything that came her way, challenges included. The result was a campaign where she felt she continued the progress she made while out on loan.

Those loan spells, in the Championship with Bristol City and then with Everton in the WSL, was the groundwork, equipping her with the knowledge and experience to make an impact upon her return at Chelsea.

‘Every time I get asked about loan spells, I always want to make it clear that I am so grateful for both the spells I was there,’ explained Beever-Jones.

‘Especially Bristol when I just turned 18 and going on loan not really knowing much about the Championship. To play in a proper competitive league, I wasn’t really used to it.

‘I remember going there and having chats with Lauren [Smith] and making sure she was clear on what she wanted from me and what I wanted from them – and having that middle ground. She trusted me to get the game time and express myself.

‘I found that spell really important for a young kid going and learning about all the on pitch stuff and off it as week. It was good to grow up quite quickly – and I feel like quite a mature person anyway – but it’s nice to have taken that first step into adulthood.

‘Going into the WSL with Everton and playing in the same league as Chelsea, I really loved it.

‘I just felt I was able to work on what I need to work on. Having spoken with Emma and Denise [Reddy], I knew I needed to work on my out of possession stuff and at Everton that’s what we had to do – we had to defend quite a bit and for me it worked out perfectly.

‘I’m so grateful for both of my loan spells. I don’t think I would be here today and do what I did during the season without having those two loans.’

After spending those two years on loan, our striker believes returning to Chelsea and building strong relationships, on and off the pitch, with her Blues team-mates was a contributing factor in her prolific season.

'Having those relationships have definitely helped,' added Beever-Jones.

'Being out on loan, I was staying in contact, but I wasn’t getting the daily training with them. But being here now and doing the extra sessions with them, I have found that it has really helped push me on and helped me work on those minor details.

'Also just getting along with the girls. Not being here last year, I wasn’t able to build those closer friendships, but I feel like I have done that and it has reflected on the pitch. Like, me and Cat (Macario) have had some good link-up and that’s credit to getting on on and off the pitch.'

So, what is next for Beever-Jones? It would be understandable for such a prospect to get carried away with the success they have experienced, but our striker remains as grounded as ever.

‘I know it is quite cliché, but I just want to enjoy it,’ said Beever-Jones. ‘I feel like I play my best football when I have a bit of freedom to express myself – and I think that is what worked for me this season.

‘I want to keep building on having good performances consistently. The goals and assists are brilliant, but I just want to develop performances week in and week out.

‘I’d love to win as many titles as we can in the process and be in as many competitions as we can – that is the Chelsea way.'