For a player whose rise this season has been rapid, Chelsea forward Aggie Beever-Jones remains humble, grounded, and hard-working as she plays out her childhood dream on the biggest stage.

It was at a local park that Beever-Jones' journey to the Chelsea Academy began. She then progressed through the club's youth system and made her senior debut in a 4-0 victory over Aston Villa during the 2020/21 campaign.

In the summer of 2021, Beever-Jones signed her first professional contract with Chelsea. She then departed on loan, first to Bristol City and then to Everton. Both helped the young forward acclimatise to the demands of the senior women's game.

Upon her return to Chelsea ahead of the current campaign, the 20-year-old was integrated into the first-team squad by Emma Hayes.

Beever-Jones has taken her opportunities with aplomb, scoring in five consecutive Women’s Super League matches, and she has yet to fully comprehend the scale of her achievements thus far.

Sat comfortably at Cobham, Beever-Jones reflects on her exposure to the game from an early age.

Playing in the garden with her family turned into joining a local league where she was invited to trial for Chelsea, an opportunity that laid the foundations for the player she would become.

‘My very first memories are being down at the park and playing with my Mum, Dad, and Grandad in the garden,' the 20-year-old recalls. 'I have very nice memories of me growing up playing football.

‘I remember going to the local Sunday league; it was down at a local park near to where I live. My Mum signed me up, my Dad took me along. We went down on our bikes. I’d been playing for quite a while but nothing serious. I was playing rush goalkeeper, defence, all over the place!

‘Funnily enough, a Chelsea scout came down to watch us with some of the boys. At this point, I was maybe about six or seven. The scout said to my Dad: "You should bring your daughter down to Chelsea trials for the girls." He did and that was pretty much it.'

An extremely humble character, Beever-Jones appreciates where she has come from and who has helped her reach this point. She expresses heartfelt gratitude to family members and coaches who have been there along her journey.

He says: ‘Straight off the bat, I would say my family. Each one has been massive in my development and where I am today. They’ve given up a lot of time when I was younger taking me here and there.

‘You can always rely on family; they will always be there for you. Last year I had a few lows and although I was in Everton, Mum came all the way up and would help me out. I’ve also had a series of coaches who have helped me out massively, there are countless coaches I can thank.

‘Emma, Denise (Reddy), and Paul (Green) have trusted me in this whole process. Bringing me in as a 17-year-old, helping me to mature and develop as a player, and now being back as a 20-year-old in a different position.

'I have a lot of people to thank along my journey and I need to make sure I go and thank them!’

Coming through the ranks at Chelsea, signing her first professional contract, and now scoring goals at Kingsmeadow and Stamford Bridge, Beever-Jones has already enjoyed and celebrated big moments in her early career.

There is plenty of work still to be done, but she could not be prouder to wear the shirt.  

‘It’s massively emotional for me and my family,' she explains. 'It was always a dream when I was young, whether I thought I could do it was a different question.

'When I was 17 and in the Academy, having been there for seven or eight years, I’d get the call-up to come and train with the first team. I remember being nervous as anything and trying not to make a single mistake. Now I look back and think to just enjoy it because that is when you play your best football.

'When I got the call to go into the meeting with Paul and Emma, I had no clue what it was about. They offered me a contract and I was in shock a little bit. You’ve worked so hard your whole life to get that moment. I’m extremely proud of myself.

‘I know I’ve still got a long way to go but I’m in the best environment to help me get to where I want. I’m still living that childhood dream. If I was able to tell my seven or eight-year-old self where I am today, I’d be immensely proud of myself.'

Away from football, Beever-Jones enjoys spending time with loved ones - which was lost to some degree during her loan spells away from home – and her love for a very welcome addition to the family last year.

‘I really enjoy cooking and baking. My Dad is a very good cook, so I’ll just be watching what he makes. I’m a sucker for a good coffee and catch-up with friends and spending time with my family.

‘Spending time with friends is important – and I wasn't able to while away from home last year. I'm making up for the time I missed.

‘I also became an auntie for the first time last year. She’s called Maggie. We’re the little duo, Maggie and Aggie!’